the passion to give, notion, teleport, share, and sound...
from the bottom right hand corner going counter-clock wise...why?
because its important to do this backwards some times...
the acknowledgement that destruction can produce the utmost accidental harmineyesation...
as one could say hell-oh hi there tines ... i dint know you were hanging us up...
and as they then there were forged from the center of the earth the
on this hear side of the trunk and up is the newest and freshest updateddeath technology in portal toilet history...

you god damn better believe it!
♫ænd as we circulate we find the portion of passion that propelled this whole journey...a slot that was precisely defined for the uttered in time...whether on or off beat...written or vocally ejaculated...
hears whats currently in the the trunk...
æ perspective with a new album coming !
"No Lunchables" (Paper or Plastic)
"SSN Error Pending"
oh make sure you meet the family...im sure you've met at least one...
the maskures family